19 March 2011

These days, celebrities everywhere are just saying no...to pants.

Supermodel Party At The Funky Buddha Nightclub

Supermodel Jodie Marsh

Jodie Marsh
Jodie Marsh Gets Her Rock On...Without Pants
Jodie Marsh is one of many celebrities who consider tights and pantyhose pants, even if they're see through. We should just feel lucky she chose to wear knickers.
Glamour model Jodie Marsh is pictured with her girlfriend arriving at the HumanHi Christmas party which was held at Volstead. Jodie was then spotted later in the night walking from Volstead to Funky Buddha.
(November 26, 2008 - Photo by Photo Agency)
Supermodel Party At The Funky Buddha Nightclub

Jodie Marsh Wowww

Jodie Marsh

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