18 May 2011

Hacker selling 1.5 Million Facebook accounts

Hacker selling 1.5 Million Facebook accounts!

Ok, listen up, everyone should change their password on facebook right away! A russian hacker by the name of  Kirllos is selling facebook accounts on the cheap! He used a combination e-mail phishing scam,  Iphone App, and probbably the other “usual” means of stealing facebook accounts.  Remember getting that Fake Farmville Gift? Wondered why they were doing that? Now you know!


How to protect yourself?
You can’t change what’s done, but he’s selling them cheap while they are still valid. Some accounts have already been confirmed stolen. If your account was stolen, you still have hope. By simply changing your password, the access to your account will no longer be valid and they will not be able to access your account. To change your password, click on Account in the upper right, and then Account Settings, (Or click here https://register.facebook.com/editaccount.php)

Please hurry, and change your password. Use the share links at the bottom of this post to spread this to everyone you know! Don’t let your friends accounts get stolen!!!

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