12 May 2011

Heidi Montag Insight: 'I Needed a Break' From Hollywood

Heidi Montag and Danielle Staub shop on Robertson Blvd as they film their new reality series. (Bauer Griffin)

 Heidi Montag (Bauer Griffin) Heidi Montag served as one of the strongest reminders of everything that is wrong with reality television. She became a caricature of herself, her marriage turned into a publicity stunt, she irreversibly altered her body with double-digit plastic surgeries...and then she ran away from it all.

But...she's back! After taking six months away from the Hollywood circuit, the Barbie of reality TV is hungry for more. She appeared on Lopez Tonight this Monday, telling the host: "I needed a break after such a crazy six years of my life. And [from] being in L.A. and Hollywood… I've been with my puppies and my husband. It's low-key."

Puppies! A blonde Grizzly Adams spouse! A down-to-Earth lifestyle! What else could she need? Well, more self-promotion, duh. Heidi's slated to appear on VH1's new reality series, Famous Food, where a bunch of attention-needy "celebs" (The Real Housewives of New Jersey's Danielle Staub is a co-star) attempt to start a restaurant.

Not sure how Heidi transitioned from trash-talking Lauren Conrad in a skimpy bikini to become a restaurateur, but sometimes, that's how the reality TV world works. She said about the show: "We started a restaurant from scratch. There's seven celebrities...We have to find wallpaper and decorate it, and [find] a menu -- and I found the chef!"


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