14 June 2011

VIDEO: Meet Kathy Beth Terry's Parents!

VIDEO: Meet Kathy Beth Terry's Parents!


It was love at first sight when we met Kathy Beth Terry, the adorkable alter ego Katy Perry plays in her upcoming "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" video. We have a thing for girls in headgear and marbleized Crocs. But now that we've met Kathy Beth Terry's parents, we're totally convinced that "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" will probably be our favorite music video ever.

If Kathy Beth Terry's parents look familiar, it's because Katy Perry enlisted the help of '80s icons Corey Feldman and Debbie Gibson to play her parents Kirk and Tiffany Terry in "Last Friday Night," and after watching the video 20 times in a row, we can officially say that despite the taped glasses and denim vest, Kathy Beth Terry gets it from her mama. Debbie Gibson is looking good, even with those teased bangs!
Cheers to the duo for being such good sports and referencing their '80s legacies in the video -- Tiffany Terry (Debbie Gibson) thought she could wish for a daughter like Kathy Beth "Only In [Her] Dreams," and Kirk (Corey Feldman) says Kathy Beth will always be his "little Goonie." Man, the '80s ruled.

 +Watch Debbie Gibson and Corey Feldman as Kathy Beth Terry's parents in the video below!

2.Star Spotting: Katy Perry Shows You Her Peacock

In this photo: Katy Perry

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