26 October 2013

5 Things You Shouldn’t Do After You Turn 21

Age brings with it responsibility and expectations. It is conventional wisdom that once you cross over to the twenties, you are expected to have developed common sense.
Lycra, heads in the toilet and shiny shoes could’ve made you look like the rockstar you’ve always wanted to be, but if you try to pull it off as an adult – you’ll just end up being the party twerp. We know it is difficult stradling the line between the carefree adolescent and intelligent adult but there are somethings that any human being over the age of 21 shouldn’t do. Here are the Top 5 Things You Shouldn’t Do After You Turn 21:

1. Wear your jeans at your knees
Prison jeans were okay when you were 18. Okay, they weren’t even cool then but it was easier to ignore them on a kid who didn’t know better. We assume that in twenty one years of your existence, you’ve figured out where your ass is.

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